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02/02/2022 – New and Updated Practice Guides 2022

Our informed Practice Guides are a series of short notes providing general guidance on some common risk, insurance and contract related topics. Our Practice Guides cover a range of subjects from Novation, to Indemnities, and Inspections and Certificates.

Planned Cover clients and paid subscribers of informed by Planned Cover can download the Practice Guides using their login.

We’ve just added a new Practice Guide on Memoranda of Understanding and Letters of Intent. These documents record the general outline of a proposed contract prior to agreeing the formal contract. If used, they should be entered into with care as disputes often arise over whether or not they were intended to have the same legally binding effect as a contract.

We’ve recently updated the following Practice Guides:

  • Disclaimers
  • Private Jobs
  • Pro Bono Work
  • Proportionate Liability
  • Safe Design (Harmonised States)
  • Safe Design (Non Harmonised States)

Most of the changes were minor improvements to better explain what are often complicated concepts.

The two Safe Design Practice Guides were updated to reflect recent legislative changes in NSW, Victoria and Western Australia which prohibit insurance for fines and penalties under work health and safety legislation (including for breach of “safe design” duties).

Please email your Account Manager at Planned Cover if you have any questions about access to Practice Guides.

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